How to Write SOAP Notes (Examples & Best Practices)

Friday, September 22 2023

While documenting progress notes is an important aspect of being a behavioral health care professional, it’s not usually part of the curriculum to prepare you in your career. Luckily, we’ve got you covered on this one — let’s review what SOAP notes are and how to write them. 

What is a SOAP note? 

SOAP notes are intended to capture specific information about a client and certain aspects of the session. SOAP notes include a statement about relevant client behaviors or status (Subjective), observable, quantifiable, and measurable data (Objective), analysis of the information given by the client (Assessment), and an outline of the next course of action (Planning). All SOAP notes should be kept in a client’s medical record.

Let’s breakdown the contents of SOAP notes so you can document clients’ sessions appropriately:

How to write SOAP Notes


Statement about relevant client behavior or status

Enter information including:

  • The client’s chief complaint, presenting problem, and any other relevant information, including direct quotes from the client
  • Any relevant personal or medical issues that may impact or influence the client’s day-to-day routine
  • A complete account of the client’s description of symptoms
  • Progress from the last encounter

Examples of content to include:

  • Jon states, “I didn’t sleep well last night and I’ve felt irritable all day.” We discussed his sleeping patterns and current stressors as possible reasons for his lack of sleep.
  • Jon reports bouts of depressive episodes and crying spells in the past week and says, “I just start crying out of nowhere.  I don’t know where it’s coming from.”  During last week’s session, I remember Jon mentioning the anniversary of his mother’s death; we talked about this being a possible trigger for his current emotional state. 

Content to avoid: 

  • Do not include statements without supporting facts. Statements such as “Client was willing to participate” is an opinion until you provide facts to support this observation. Consider only information that you feel is relevant and statements from the client, loved ones, or teachers that can be attributed to the client’s mood, motivation, awareness, and willingness to participate. 
  • When making subjective statements, include pertinent evidence. For example: “Client appears nervous as evidenced by fidgeting of hands, not maintaining eye-contact, and shortness of breath during our session.”


Observable, quantifiable, and measurable data

This part of the note includes:

  • Factual documentation about the client including a client’s diagnosis, behavioral and/or physical symptoms, appearance, orientation, and mood/affect 
  • How the client presented themselves (affect, behavior, eye-contact, nervousness, talkativeness) based on your observations

Content to include:

  • Physical, interpersonal, and psychological observations
  • Verbal/non-verbal 
  • Body posture
  • General appearance
  • Affect and behavior when discussing certain topics or issues 
  • Nature of therapeutic relationship
  • Client’s strengths
  • Client’s mental status
  • Client’s ability to participate in the session
  • Client’s responses to the process
  • Written materials such as reports from other providers, psychological tests, or medical records (if applicable) 


  • Jon is alert. He is oriented to time and place and he’s actively participating during today’s session as indicated by positive responses and prompt replies.
  • Jon displays a mostly flat/blunted affect, hygiene is below baseline.  He takes several seconds to respond to questions I ask him during the session.  

Content to avoid:

  • General statements without supporting data 
  • Avoid assumptive statements pertaining to behavior
  • Labels
  • Personal judgments
  • Value-laden language
  • Opinionated statements (personal rather than professional opinions)
  • Words/phrases that have negative connotations and/or are open to personal interpretations (ex: uncooperative, obnoxious, normal, drunk, spoiled)


  • “Jon arrived drunk and was acting rude and obnoxious during today’s session.”


Assimilate S. and O. section

Include the following: 

  • Use professionally acquired knowledge to interpret the information given by the client during the session.  
  • Implement clinical knowledge and understanding (DSM/Therapeutic Model, identify themes or patterns). 
  • Update/include DSM criteria observations exhibited by the client.

Examples of content to include:

  • Client appeared unusually disheveled, exhibited excessive anxiety and worry toward partner's threat of abandonment and denial of autonomy
  • Client presented an abundance of guilt and shame due to infidelity from their partner; provider feels this may contribute to the immoderate emotional response and intemperate consumption of alcohol the client is currently experiencing
  • Client appears to continue experiencing anxiety
  • Client continues to experience family-related stressors
  • Client exhibited signs of moderate depression
  • Client anxiety has increased in severity and appears to meet the criteria for GAD

Content to avoid: 

  • Do not repeat your previous statements in the S. O. sections. In this section, you should instead include: progress, regression, or plateau of client progress. 

(P) Planning 

Detail the plans for the client

Outline the next course of action as far as the treatment plan goes, given the preceding 

information gathered during your session:

  • Focus on your next steps for the upcoming session.  Stay aligned with your overall treatment plan without reinstating it in full in this section.
  • Focus on things both parties have agreed to. 
  • Note nutritional, physical, and medical attributes that will contribute to the client’s therapeutic goals.
  • Note any progression/regression client has made in treatment.
  • Include implementation details. 
  • Ensure planning is aligned with assessment and direct.

Content to include: 

  • Introduce designated assessments to assess the client's focus and uncontrollability. 
  • Focus on client's reported symptoms or issues in daily functioning (frequency, duration, intensity, and type), if applicable.
  • Continue to build trust and confidence with the client to allow space for exploration of previous events similar to current stressors, and explore those conclusions.

Examples of content to include: 

  • “Client will consult with a licensed nutritionist, in order to create a healthy diet and lifestyle plan.”
  • “Client will begin yoga classes at the local gym.”
  • “Client is committed to attending group therapy sessions for eating disorders.”

Content to avoid: 

  • Restating overall treatment plan (as opposed to goals for the next session)
  • Unrealistic, immeasurable goals to be accomplished before the client’s next session

Tips for completing SOAP notes

  • Consider how the patient is represented. Avoid using words like “good” or “bad” or any other words that suggest moral judgments/
  • Avoid using tentative language such as “may” or “seems.” 
  • Avoid using absolutes such as “always” and “never.”
  • Write legibly.
  • Use language common to the field of mental health and family therapy. 
  • Use language that is culturally sensitive.
  • Use correct spelling/grammar. 
  • Proofread your notes. 
  • Write your note as if you were going to have to defend its contents.
  • Use clear and concise language. Avoid using slang, poor grammar or odd abbreviations.
  • When quoting a client, be sure to place the exact words in quotation marks.
  • Keep your notes short and to-the-point. Be clear and complete. Avoid expanding beyond what is required for each section.

Remember, there is no such thing as the perfect progress note!

Documentation requirements specific to video telehealth

Progress notes are also required for video telehealth sessions. Below are the required components to include in those notes.

  • Date of service
  • Start and stop time
  • The date of the next session
  • The interventions
  • Mental status
  • A statement that the service was provided using video telehealth or telephone. Example: “Met with client via video conference.”
  • Location of the provider: home vs. office
  • The provider should be conducting therapy from the office address that’s on file with the insurance company 

If conducting a family session, document who is present. 

Example: “Rita and her mother are present for this session.”

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